Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
denotes the specific legal rights of the inventors to hold and exercise Patents, Trademarks,
Copyrights, Industrial Designs, etc. IPR aims to exclude third parties from exploiting the
protected subject matter for a certain perod of time (normally 20 years), without explicit
authorisation from the right holders. IPRs owner can use or disclose their creations without
fear of loss of control over their usage during the course of dissemination of their
creation/invention. IPRs confers of exclusive rights in relation to the particular form in
which ideas/information are expressed/manifested in the following manner.
i) New and useful scientific and technical advancements in the form of innovations,
inventions, products and processes, computer hardware and software, materials,
biological varieties, etc. which are patentable.
ii) Industrial and architectural designs, models, drawings, creative, artistic and literary
works, teaching resource materials, generated records of research including thesis,
adissertations, etc. which are copyrightable.
iii) Trademarks, service mark, logos, etc.
Protecting your Intellectual Property makes it easier to take legal action against anyone
who steals or copies it.
The type of protection you get depend on what you have created.
Inventions and Products, eg Machines, machine parts, tools, etc or processes
Writing and literary works, art, photography, films, TV, etc.
Product names, Logos, Jingles, etc
Shape of a product, patterns, lines, colour of a product or a combination of one or more feature
Natural or manufactured goods as originated or manufactured in a territory of country, e.g. Kancheepuam Sarees, Basmati Rice, etc
Layout of transistors and other circuitry elements including lead wires connecting such elements and expressed as semiconductor
For more information on
Intellectual Property Rights Connect to
Basics of IPR
USPTO – United States Patent and Trademark Office (
IPINDIA – Indian Patent Office (
Google Patents – Worldwide Patents (
WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organisation (
FPO – Free Patents Online (
Espacenet – Europe Patent (
JPO – Japan Patent Office (
TOTAL Patent – Lexis Nexis
Questel Orbit (
Innovation Q plus (