Programmes during 2022 - 2023
1. State Level Women Empowerment Conference, Workshop & Exhibition:
The Centre for Empowerment of Women (CEW), in association with Women Entrepreneurs Welfare Association of Tamilnadu (WEWA-TN) & Women Seva Trust conducted a State Level Women Empowerment Conference, Workshop & Exhibition on 10.09.2022 Saturday at Vivekananda auditorium – Anna University campus from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm.
WEWA is a Tamilnadu state and Central Government registered and recognized association. This association has been working for the promotion for women as entrepreneurs and for betterment of youth and women since 2008 in Tamilnadu with more than 22000 as their members.
State Level Women Empowerment Conference held on 10.9.2022

Highlights of Conference:
- Nearly 1000 participants comprising of female students from Engineering and Arts & Science Colleges in and around Chennai, women staff and spouse of male staff of Anna University, women faculty from Anna University and women registered with WEWA.
- Udhayam, GST, PAN Card, gem Portal procedures and registration, Central and State government schemes and subsidies – by various experts.
- Free skill Development Workshop (Herbal napkin, Herbal oil, Herbal soap).
- Awards for best women entrepreneur, best social service and best agriculture practice.
2. Exhibition of products by women Entrepreneurs:
An exhibition of products by various women entrepreneurs was held on 10.09.2023 in the corridors around Hall No.13, CEG Campus, Anna University. There were 40 stalls by women entrepreneurs with products ranging from clothes, readymade dresses, jute materials, millet readymade food powder packets, fancy jewels, terracotta items, flower pots etc. A sum of around Rs.2.00 lakhs was generated through this exhibition by the women entrepreneurs.
Exhibition held on 10.9.2022

3. Breast and Cervical Cancer screening:
Screening was held on 11.08.2022 for the staff of Anna University. Screening was done by a team from Adyar Cancer Institute free of cost. However, it was limited to women on temporary/ daily wage assignments, who may find it difficult to afford these tests on payment basis. If any further test is required, Cancer Institute has assured to take them to their hospital, provide all further assistance, free of cost. 30 women staff were screened for this test.
Cancer Screening conducted in Health Centre

Oncologist explaining symptoms of Cancer

4. Exhibition and sale of Khadi and Handloom Cloth:
The Centre for Empowerment of Women (CEW) in coordination with Department of Textile Technology, AC Tech campus conducted an Exhibition and sale of Khadi and Handloom cloth by weavers during 11 – 12 August 2022 in Hall No.10, CEG Campus in connection with celebration of Nation’s 75 years of Independence. This exhibition was inaugurated by our honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof.Dr.R.Velraj. There was a foot fall of around 1500 visitors for this Exhibition. A sum of around Rs.2.00 lakhs was generated by the weavers.
Vice Chancellor Prof.Dr.R.Velraj inaugurating Khadi & Handloom Exhibition

5. Competition for staff of Anna University:
Competition for the staff (both men and women) of Anna University was held on 20.01.2023 in connection with celebration of Nation’s 75 years of Independence.
S.No. |
Title of the competition |
Date, Time & Venue |
No. of Participants |
1. |
Singing competition on the topic Desa Bakthi Paadalgal |
20th January 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm Venue will be intimated to the participants |
30 |
Prizes were given to three best performers during Republic day celebration on 26.01.2023 by our honourable Vice-Chancellor.
Competitions for children of staff of Anna University:
The following annual Competitions were organized by the Day Care Centre under the auspices of the Centre for Empowerment of Women, Anna University for the children of the staff (teaching and non- teaching staff – CEG/ACT/SAP/MIT campus) of Anna University in connection with the Republic day 2023
Details of competitions:
S.No. |
Title of the competition |
Date, Time & Venue |
Age Group |
No. of Participants |
1. |
Drawing Competition |
21st January 2023 10.30 – 11.30 am Ground floor of Mathematics department. |
3-12 |
25 |
2. |
Fancy Dress Competition |
21st January 2023 11.45 am to 12.45 pm |
3-10 |
15 |
3. |
Cooking without Fire |
21st January 2023 11.45 am to 12.45 pm Hall No.13 |
8-12 |
15 |
The winners were given prizes in the Republic day celebration on 26.01.2023 by our honourable Vice Chancellor.
Participant of Fancy Dress Competition held on 21.1.2023

Drawing Competition for children of staff of Anna University in connection with Republic Day 2023 celebration

6. Women’s day 2023 Programmme:
Empowerment of Women (CEW) organized the following events in association with Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) Cell, Centre for Entrepreneurship Development(CED) and Aakriti, CEG Girls Forum:
i)The following Competitions were conducted for the staff and research scholars of Anna University:
S.No. |
Title of the competition Date, Time & Venue |
No. of Participants |
1. |
Fun Games:
Saree draping & Facial make-up
22.02.2023 (Wednesday): 2.30 - 5.00 pm
II Floor Eastern Wing Class Rooms
Science & Humanities Block
CEG Campus
70 |
2. |
Activity based - 4 games
University Sports Ground
150 |
Participants of Mehendi competition held as part of Women’s day 2023 programme

Women’s day 2023 programme on 8.3.2023 at Vivekananda auditorium – participants of competition

ii)Health awareness:
Breast and Cervical Cancer screening was held in association with Women Entrepreneurs Welfare Association (WEWA), Health Centre-Anna University & Cancer Institute, Adyar. 35 women staff were screened. Physical examination and pap smear was conducted for these registered women staff and research scholars. Screening was held on 27.02.2023 (Monday): 9.00 am - 2.00 pm Venue: Health Centre, Anna University.

iii) Day-long celebration of Women’s day in association with Women Entrepreneurs Welfare Association (WEWA)
The following competitions were conducted on 8.3.2023 at Vivekananda auditorium
- Vegetable Carving
- Bouquet making
- Pookolam
- Fashion Parade
- On the spot games
- Cultural program by various student groups and staff of Anna University were presented for the audience.
Women’s day programme – 8.3.2023

Awards function was held in the evening on 8.3.2023. Winners of the above competitions were given prizes. About 750 women staff, students, research scholars and members of Women Entrepreneurs Welfare Association participated in this programme.
iv) Women’s day special Exhibition for 3 days:
Exhibition of products by Self Help Group Women and
Women Entrepreneurs was held on 08.03.2023 to 10.03.2023 from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm, Venue: Hall No.13,
Department of Mathematics, CEG Campus, Anna University. There were 70 stalls put up by women entrepreneurs and Self Help
Group women. Various products ranging from sarees, fancy jewels, jute materials, terrracota items, children’s toy items,
fancy silk and cotton sarees, cake and pastry items, siddha medicines, millet products, health oil extracts to food items
were exhibited and sold in these stalls. The sale was to the tune of Rs.4.5 lakhs.
Exhibition of products by Self Help Group Women and Women Entrepreneurs

7. PoSH Awareness Programme:
PoSH awareness programme on the Internal Complaints
Committee and Redressal Mechanism of Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell was conducted for the effective functioning
of the forum in all the University campuses with participation of faculty and student representatives in coordination
with the Prevention of Sexual Harassment - PoSH Cell for all women staff members (Teaching and Non-Teaching)
on 14.03.2023 and for all men staff on 21.03.2023 at Vivekananda auditorium from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Presentation
on PoSH awareness was given by Mrs.Rama Haran, PoSH External ICC Member, Anna University. There was a Group discussion on
Case Studies by Mrs.Rama Haran and Dr.K.Premalatha, Director, PoSH Cell and Dr.G.R.Rajarajeswari, Director i/c, Centre
for Empowerment of Women. About 500 staff took part in these programmes.
8. Programme on CDHER – An Online Heckathon exclusively for Women
This Online Heckathon was organized during 7 – 8 April 2023
by the ACM Stusents Chapter with Centre for Empowerment of Women as promotional partner. Totally 93 teams of female
students from Engineering colleges participated in this Online event.

Programme during July 2021 – July 2022
S.No. |
Date & Time |
Venue |
Topic |
Speaker |
Participants |
1. |
07.03.2022 from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm |
AACEG Seminar Hall, Alumni Association, CEG |
Penmaiyin Menmaiyum Menmaiyin Maenmaiyum |
Ms.Sai Kripa Prasanna, Psychologist, Orator & Bharathanatyam Danseusse, Chennai. |
About 75 women staff (Teaching & Non-teaching) of Anna University |
Women’s day 2022 – Dignitaries on Dais

Women’s day 2022 – Section of the audience

Programmes during July 2020 – June 2021
A Webinar for the staff and students was held on 8th March 2021 between 3.30 pm and 4.30 pm in connection with International Women’s day 2021.
The speaker for this programme was Dr.Gowri Ramachandran, Chartered Wealth Manager and Economist
The topic - Tools and techniques for stress free womanhood
Around 50 women staff and students attended this webinar.
Programmes during 2019 – June 2020
1. Motivation lectures as part of induction programme for the first year students of CEG Campus:
- 02.8.2019 Talk by Dr.Yamini Kannappan Psychiatrist, Chennai
Dr.Yamini Kannappan addressing the students:

Audience – Motivation lecutre:

- 03.8.2019 Mr.Elangovan, Chemical Engineer and Social Worker on Need for Students’ role in transforming villages by bringing sustainable development
- 04.8.2019 - Talk on “Entrepreneurship” by Er.A.J.Balasubramanian
- 6.8.2019 – Dr.Vipinendran, Professor, Printing Technology on “8 successful ways to become effective CEGians”.
- 7.8.2019 – Mrs.Radha Subramanian, IT Counsellor – Talk on Gender sensitivity – To value opposite gender
Interactive session - Dr.Radha Subramanian, IT Counsellor

No. of Participants: 1200 students both boys and girls for all the above programmes
Venue: Vivekananda auditorium
Time: 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm
2. Programme on “Protect yourself from Cancer”:
The Centre for Empowerment of Women (CEW) conducted a talk on “Protect Yourself from Cancer” Anna University for the staff of Centre for Research,
Additional Controller of Examinations and Controller of Examinations, Anna University on 17th August 2019 between
10.30 am to 12.30 pm in the Henry Maudslay Hall of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Around 60 staff took part
in this programme. Dr.(Mrs).G.Kalavathy, Gynaecologist & Oncologist, Shrishti hospital, Royapuram briefed the audience
about the causes of cancer, screening and medical check up to be undertaken, proper diagnosis. She elaborated on various
protections to be undertaken including annual medical check up, nutritive diet, yoga and exercise etc.
Programme on Protect Yourself from Cancer

3. Programme on Retirement Investment Planning, IT Returns Filing and Savings:
The Centre for Empowerment of Women conducted a programme for the staff
(both teaching and non-teaching) on the topic “Retirement Investment Planning, IT Returns Filing and Savings” on 27th
September 2019 between 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm. Thiru.Venkatesan, Chartered Accountant, Chennai enlightened the participants
on this topic. About 40 staff took part in this programme.
Programme on Retirement Investment Planning, IT Returns Filing and Savings

4. International Women’s day programme on 6.3.2020:
This programme was held on 6.3.2020 for the staff of Anna University.
Dr.Yamini Kannappan, Consultant Psychiatrist, Chennai addressed the audience on the need to balance the family and
career by working women. Around 120 women staff took part in this programme. Various competitions were held earlier
in the month of February 2020 in connection with the Women’s day and prizes were distributed to the winners on the
occasion of Women’s day programme. An exhibition of products by Self Help Group women and also some women entrepreneurs
during 6 – 8 March 2020. These women in total generated a sum of around Rs.3.00 lakhs during this exhibition.
International Women’s day programme - 6.3.2020 –Dignitaries on Dais

Audience – Women’s Day 6.3.2020

International Women’s day programme Girl student receiving prize from Chief Guest

Exhibition of products by Self Help Group women of Chennai – 6 – 8 March 2020

Programmes conducted during July 2018 – June 2019:
1. Talk on Challenges in Architectural practices for women architects:
A talk on “Challenges in Architectural practices for women architects” was organized for the
architecture students of SAP Campus, Anna University. Mrs. Arch.Sheila Sriprakash of Shilpa Architects addressed the girl students on
25th July 2018 at 3.30 pm in Prof.Pithaavadian Hall, SAP Campus.
Talk on Challenges in Architectural practices for women architects” – Participants with Speaker

2.Conduct of Awareness talk on “Ideal Work Place Behavior with regard to Act” for five constituent colleges of Anna University:
As part of the Gender Sensitization Programme in coordination with the POSH –
Prevention Sexual Harassment Cell, an awareness talk on “Ideal Work Place Behaviour with regard to Act” was held for the faculty and research scholars of five constituent colleges (Tindivanam, Villupuram, Panruti, Arani and Kanchipuram) on 13th October 2018 in Tindivanam campus. Ms.Radha Subramanian, Founder Trustee of Samathalam Trust and Member of POSH Committee IT & Manufacturing Sector, Work Place Counsellor was the speaker of this programme.
3.Conduct of Awareness talk on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment” for University College of Engineering, BIT campus, Trichy:
As part of the Gender Sensitization Programme in coordination with the POSH –
Prevention Sexual Harassment Cell, an awareness talk on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment” was held on 1st December 2018
in University College of Engineering, BIT campus – Bharathidasan Institute of Technology for the faculty and research
scholars at 2.30 pm. Ms.Radha Subramanian, Founder Trustee of Samathalam Trust and Member of POSH Committee
IT & Manufacturing Sector, Work Place Counsellor was the speaker of this programme.
4. Programme on “Work-Life Balance”:
The Centre for Empowerment of Women (CEW) in coordination with the Women’s
Counselling Club, Department of Mechanical Engineering (DME) organized a programme on “Work-Life Balance” for all the
women staff (teaching & nonteaching), research scholars and students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering on 17th
December 2018 in Henry Maudslay Hall, DME from 1.30 pm to 5.00 pm. Ms.Radha Subramanian, Founder Trustee of Samathalam
Trust and Member of POSH Committee IT & Manufacturing Sector, Work Place Counsellor, held an interactive session with
the students and discussed about the ways of overcoming stress in both life and work.
Programme on - Work Life Balance - Dignitaries on Dais and audience

5.Programme on “Women in Academia and Research – Dual Role”:
The Centre for Empowerment of Women and Centre for Research jointly organized a talk on “Women in Academic and Research – Dual Role” on 5th February 2019 for the research scholars and faculty of Anna University. Dr.Rajeswari, Professor, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai was the Speaker for this programme. About 150 research scholars and staff took part in this programme.
Programme on Women in Academia & Research – Dual Role – Speaker addressing audience

6. International Women’s day 2019 Programme:
International Women’s day programme was held on 12.3.2019. A Talk by Dr.S.Renukadevi, Professor, NITTTR, Chennai was organized in Alumni Centre, CEG campus. Around 150 women staff took part in this programme.
Women’s day programme on 12.3.2019 – Dignitaries on Dais

Women’s day programme on 12.3.2019 – Section of the audience

7. An Exhibition of Products by Self Help Group and women Entrepreneurs, Chennai was organized during 11 – 12 March 2019 near Vivekananda auditorium. Around 25 Self Help Group women and women entrepreneurs put up stalls in this exhibition. A sum of Rs.2.50 lakhs was generated by these women.
Programmes conducted by the Centre for Empowerment of Women:
During July 2017 – June 2018
1. Conduct of Awareness Campaign on “Gender Sensitization”:
Awareness Campaign on “Gender Sensitization” was held during 14 – 15
September 2017 for the first year students of AC Tech and SAP campuses in coordination with POSH – Prevention of Sexual
Harassment Cell, Anna University.
Around 1000 students participated in this programme. Dr.(Mrs). I.S.Parveen
Sultana, Tamil Orator and Professor, Department of Tamil, JBAS College, Chennai addressed the students and sensitized the
students on the above topic.
2.Conduct of “Generating awareness about legal rights for women”.
Dr.Reddivari Revathi, Professor & Head, Department of Constitutional
Rights & Director, Research & Publication,Tamilnadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University, Chennai addressed the students and our
faculty on the legal rights for women on 18th September 2017 between 04.00 PM to 05.00 PM at Hall of Guiness’ 68,
Department of Manufacturing Engineering. Around 80 students and faculty participated in this programme.
Awareness Campaign on “Gender Sensitization” – Audience

3. Conduct of Programme on “BRIDGES- Connecting People and Ideas”:
In coordination with TEDx, a non-profit platform, to help girls and women
connect with an environment that inspires the expression of unique view points and have dialogue that can open mind and
change the opinion to have positive attitude, the Centre for Empowerment of Women conducted “BRIDGES- Connecting People
and Ideas” on 5th November 2017 at Vivekanada auditorium. The event had speakers on topics such as leadership, art and
4.Conduct of Programme on “Teaching Importance of Grooming and Self-Confidence”:
This programme was held on 13.2.2018 for the final year students of MIT Campus for the purpose of preparing them to
face interviews and to inculcate confidence for successful presentation. Around 300 students from various branches
participated in this programme and were benefitted.
5. Conduct of one day Student Convention Programme:
The Centre for Empowerment of Women (CEW) in coordination with Centre for
Entrepreneurship Development (CED), Anna University, Aakriti – CEG Girls’ Forum and Empowerment of women in IT – eWIT
organized a one day student convention programme on the theme “Envisioning Digital India” on 22nd February 2018 at TAG
auditorium from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. Ms.Eva James, VP, Renault Nissan Technology Business Centre India Pvt Ltd was the
Chief Guest and Dean, CEG was the Guest of Honour. The convention had talks in the morning sessions and the afternoon
session had presentations by students and there was screening of award winning short films on the theme “Digital DNA of
India”. A mobile app contest was also held and winners were given prizes.
6. Conduct of International Women’s day 2018:
Sexual Harassment Awareness Walkathon was held on 5th March 2018 in coordination with POSH Cell, Anna University in
which students and teaching and non-teaching staff members participated with great eager and enthusiasm
Walkathon held on 5.3.2018

College Bazaar- An exhibition of products by SHG women was held during 7 – 9 March 2018. Around 35 stalls were put
up by Self Help Group women and women entrepreneurs. Around 3000 Mrs.Letika Saran IPS, Former Chennai City Police
Commissioner & DGP (Law & Order), Chennai was the Chief Guest of the Women’s day programme and addressed the gathering.
International Women’s day 2018 Programme 2018