
Academic / Research Degree
2007 -
1997-1998 -
Additional Responsibilities
Research Summary
Research Guidance | Area of Specialisation |
Number of Ph.D Scholars Guided - 15 | Software Engineering Methodologies |
Number of Ph.D Scholars Guiding - 6 | Database Management Systems |
Data Mining and Data Warehousing | |
Medical Image Processing | |
Machine Learning | |
Medical Informatics |
Ph.D (In Progress)
1. | Ms Juliet Thessalonica D [ Software Engineering ] |
2. | Ms Anisha Issac [ Medical Image Processing ] |
3. | Mr Sreejith S [ Clinical Data Mining ] |
4. | Mr Navin K S [ Clinical Data Mining ] |
5. | Ms PonPriya M [ Clinical Data Mining] |
6. | Ms Betshrine R [ Medical Image Processing ] |
Ph.D (Completed)
Computer aided diagnosis of pulmonary hamartoma from CT scan images using ant colony optimization based feature selection, J Dhalia Sweetlin, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, Alexandria engineering journal 57 (3), 1557-1567, 2018.
Patient-Specific Model Based Segmentation of Lung Computed Tomographic Images. J Dhalia Sweetlin, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, Journal of Information Science & Engineering 32 (5), 2016.
Computer aided diagnosis of pulmonary hamartoma from CT scan images using ant colony optimization based feature selection, JD Sweetlin, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, Alexandria Engineering Journal 57 (3), 1557-1567, 2018.
Feature selection using ant colony optimization with tandem-run recruitment to diagnose bronchitis from CT scan images, JD Sweetlin, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 145, 115-125, 2017.
Unsupervised Discretization: An Analysis of Classification Approaches for Clinical Datasets, M Shanmugapriya, HK Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, K Arputharaj, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 14 (2), 67-72, 2017.
Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Based Radial Basis Function Network for Classification of Clinical Datasets, N Leema, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS), 2018.
Neural network classifier optimization using differential evolution with global information and back propagation algorithm for clinical datasets, N Leema, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, Applied Soft Computing 49, 834-844 26, 2016.
Characterization, pore size measurement and wear model of a sintered Cu–W nano composite using radial basis functional neural network, N Leema, P Radha, SC Vettivel, HK Nehemiah, Materials & Design 68, 195-206 15, 2015
Restructuring PL/SQL using Game Theory, S Vimala, H Khanna Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, G Saranya.
Applying Game Theory to Restructure PL/SQL Code, A Vimala, S., Khanna Nehemiah, H., Saranya, G., Kannan, International Journal of Soft Computing 2 (6), 264-270, 2012.
Applying Game Theory to Restructure PL/SQL Code, S Vimala, HK Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, G Saranya, A Kannan, International Journal of Soft Computing 7 (6), 264-270, 2012.
Analysis and modeling of multivalued attributes in entity relationship modeling: An approach for improved database design, S Vimala, H Khanna Nehemiah, G Saranya, A Kannan, Computer systems science and engineering 28 (4), 217-223, 2013.
Design Methodology for Relational Databases: Issues Related to Ternary Relationships in Entity-relationship Model and Higher Normal Forms, S Vimala, HK Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, G Saranya, International Journal of Database Management Systems 5 (3), 15, 2013.
Hybrid Algorithm for Clustering Gene Expression Data, SJ Susmi, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, G Saranya, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 11 (7), 692-700, 2015
Model level code smell detection using egapso based on similarity measures, G Saranya, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, V Nithya, Alexandria engineering journal, 2017.
Hybrid particle swarm optimization with mutation for code smell detection, G Saranya, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 12 (3), 186-195, 2018.
Prioritizing Code Smell Correction Task using Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm, G Saranya, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, V Pavithra, Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11 (20), 2018.
5. Dr Nancy Jane Y
[ Temporal Knowledge Mining Framework for Clinical Time Series Data - Completed ]
Imputing missing values in unevenly spaced clinical time series data to build an effective temporal classification framework, JY Nancy, NH Khanna, K Arputharaj, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 112, 63-79, 2017.
A bio-statistical mining approach for classifying multivariate clinical time series data observed at irregular intervals, JY Nancy, NH Khanna, A Kannan, Expert Systems with Applications 78, 283-300, 2017.
A Q-backpropagated time delay neural network for diagnosing severity of gait disturbances in Parkinson’s disease, YN Jane, HK Nehemiah, K Arputharaj, Journal of biomedical informatics 60, 169-176, 2016
Employing clinical data sets for intelligent temporal rule mining and decision making, a comparative study, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, K Vijaya, YN Jane, JB Merin, ICGST International Journal on Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, BIME, 2007
A Morphological Approach for the Extraction of the Disorders of the Pleura from Chest CT Slices, Anita Titus, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, Jabez Christopher, Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, 2014.
A hybrid classifier for leukemia gene expression data, SJ Susmi, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, JJ Christopher, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 10 (2), 197-205, 2015.
A swarm optimization approach for clinical knowledge mining, JJ Christopher, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 121 (3), 137-148, 2015.
A clinical decision support system for diagnosis of allergic rhinitis based on intradermal skin tests, JJ Christopher, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, Computers in biology and medicine 65, 76-84, 2015.
Relevant Gene Selection and Classification of Leukemia Gene Expression Data, SJ Susmi, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, J Christopher, Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, 2016.
Computer-assisted Medical Decision-making System for Diagnosis of Urticaria , JJ Christopher, HK Nehemiah, K Arputharaj, GL Moses, MDM Policy & Practice 1 (1), 2381468316677752, 2016
Mining Knowledge from Heart Disease Dataset using Rough Set Back Propagation Neural Network (RS-BPNN), Kindie Biredagn Nahato, H Khanna Nehemiah, A. Kannan, Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, 2014.
Knowledge mining from clinical datasets using rough sets and backpropagation neural network, KB Nahato, KN Harichandran, K Arputharaj, Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2015 38, 2015.
Hybrid Dimension Reduction Techniques with Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network for Classifying Leukemia Gene Expression Data, SJ Susmi, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (S1), 2016
Relevant Gene Selection and Classification of Leukemia Gene Expression Data, SJ Susmi, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, J Christopher, Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, 2016
Hybrid Algorithm for Clustering Gene Expression Data, SJ Susmi, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, G Saranya, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 11 (7), 692-700, 2015
A hybrid classifier for leukemia gene expression data, SJ Susmi, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, JJ Christopher, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 10 (2), 197-205, 2015
A Novel Feature-Significance Based k-Nearest Neighbor Classification Approach for Computer Aided Diagnosis of Lung Disorders, R Raj, HK Nehemiah, DS Elizabeth, A Kannan, Current Medical Imaging Reviews 14 (2), 289-300, 2018.
Distance Based Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Computer Aided Diagnosis Systems, S Retmin Raj C, H Nehemiah, D Elizabeth, Current Medical Imaging Reviews 13 (3), 284-298, 2017.
Two-Phase Supervised Segmentation Algorithm for Automatic Segmentation of Lung Parenchyma from Chest CT, AK C. Sunil Retmin Raj ,H. Khanna Nehemiah ,D. Shiloah Elizabeth, International Journal of Soft Computing 10 (2), 127-136, 2015.
A novel segmentation approach for improving diagnostic accuracy of CAD systems for detecting lung cancer from chest computed tomography images, DS Elizabeth, HK Nehemiah, C Raj, A Kannan, Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) 3 (2), 4, 2012
Classification of Interstitial Lung Diseases Using Particle Swarm Optimized Support Vector Machine, Anita Titus, H. Khanna Nehemiah, A. Kannan, International Journal of Soft Computing 10 (1), 25-36, 2015.
A Morphological Approach for the Extraction of the Disorders of the Pleura from Chest CT Slices, Anita Titus, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, Jabez Christopher, Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, 2014.
Test suite reduction using hgs based heuristic approach, A Gladston, HK Nehemiah, P Narayanasamy, A Kannan, Computing and Informatics 34 (5), 1113-1132 1, 2016.
Design Methodology for Relational Databases: Issues Related to Ternary Relationships in Entity-relationship Model and Higher Normal Forms, S Vimala, HK Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, G Saranya, International Journal of Database Management Systems 5 (3), 15, 2013.
Analysis and modeling of multivalued attributes in entity relationship modeling: An approach for improved database design, S Vimala, H Khanna Nehemiah, G Saranya, A Kannan, Computer systems science and engineering 28 (4), 217-223, 2013
Applying Game Theory to Restructure PL/SQL Code, S Vimala, HK Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, G Saranya, A Kannan, International Journal of Soft Computing 7 (6), 264-270, 2012
Applying Game Theory to Restructure PL/SQL Code, A Vimala, S., Khanna Nehemiah, H., Saranya, G., Kannan, International Journal of Soft Computing 2 (6), 264-270, 2012
Restructuring PL/SQL using Game Theory, S Vimala, H Khanna Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, G Saranya.
Fuzzy neuro genetic approach for predicting the risk of cardiovascular diseases, K Vijaya, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, NG Bhuvaneswari, International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management 2 (4), 388-402, 19, 2010.
A Fuzzy Statistical Reasoning Approach for Predicting the Risk of Cardio Vascular Diseases, SM Khanna Nehemiah H, Vijaya K, Kannan A, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2, 2007.
Employing clinical data sets for intelligent temporal rule mining and decision making, a comparative study, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, K Vijaya, YN Jane, JB Merin, ICGST International Journal on Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, BIME, 2007.
Distance Based Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Computer Aided Diagnosis Systems, S Retmin Raj C, H Nehemiah, D Elizabeth, Current Medical Imaging Reviews 13 (3), 284-298, 2017.
Two-Phase Supervised Segmentation Algorithm for Automatic Segmentation of Lung Parenchyma from Chest CT, AK C. Sunil Retmin Raj ,H. Khanna Nehemiah ,D. Shiloah Elizabeth, International Journal of Soft Computing 10 (2), 127-136, 2015.
Computer-aided diagnosis of lung cancer based on analysis of the significant slice of chest computed tomography image, DS Elizabeth, HK Nehemiah, CSR Raj, A Kannan, IET image processing 6 (6), 697-705, 2012.
A novel segmentation approach for improving diagnostic accuracy of CAD systems for detecting lung cancer from chest computed tomography images, DS Elizabeth, HK Nehemiah, C Raj, A Kannan, Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) 3 (2), 4, 2012.
Computer-aided diagnosis system for the detection of bronchiectasis in chest computed tomography images, DS Elizabeth, A Kannan, HK Nehemiah, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 19 (4), 290-298, 12, 2009.
Feature Selection and Instance Selection from Clinical Datasets Using Co-operative Co-evolution and Classification Using Random Forest. Elgin Christo V R, Khanna Nehemiah H, IETE Journal of Research.
Correlation-Based Ensemble Feature Selection Using Bioinspired Algorithms and Classification Using Backpropagation Neural Network ,Elgin Christo V R, Khanna Nehemiah H, Minu B and Kannan A
International/National Journals:67
- Prasad G.N.S Bose S, Khanna Nehemiah H, Uma Maheswari V, Arul Siromoney, Mehata K.M, Anna Siromoney, Korah I, Raghuram L, "Granular Hierarchy In Knowledge Discovery" presented in a International level conference on Eighth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge Discovery in Biomedicine, pp. 117-124 (2004)
- Khanna Nehemiah H and Kannan A, "An Intelligent System For Lung Cancer Diagnosis From Chest Radiographs", International Journal of Soft Computing, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 133-136. (2006).
- H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, "A diagnostic decision support system for adverse drug reaction using temporal reasoning", Int J Artif Intell Machine Learn, Vol. 6, Issue. 2, pp. 79-86. (2006)
- Khanna Nehemiah H, Kannan A and Senthil Kumar D, "Intelligent Fractured Image Retrieval From Medical Image Databases", Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 448-453 (2006).
- Khanna Nehemiah H and Kannan A, " A Diagnostic Decision Support System For Adverse Drug Reaction using Temporal Reasoning", International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 79-86 (2006).
- Khanna Nehemiah H, Kannan A, Vijaya K, Nancy Jane Y and Brinda Merin K, "Employing Clinical Data Sets for Intelligent Temporal Rule Mining and Decision Making, A Comparative Study", ICGST International Journal on Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 37-45 (2007).
- Sujatha M Khanna Nehemiah H, Vijaya K, Kannan A, "A Fuzzy Statistical Reasoning Approach for Predicting the Risk of Cardio Vascular Diseases", International Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue. 1, pp. 9-21. (2007)
- H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, K Vijaya, Y Nancy Jane, J Brindha Merin, "Intelligent rule mining for decision making from clinical data sets", ICGST International Journal on Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 37-45. (2007)
- Khanna Nehemiah H, Vijaya K, Kannan A and Sujatha M, " Fuzzy Statistical Reasoning Approach for Predicting the Risk of Cardio Vascular Diseases", International Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 9-21 (2007).
- Shiloah Elizabeth D, Kannan A , Khanna Nehemiah H, " Detection of Cancerous Tissues in Computed Tomographic Images of Lung: A Preliminary Study", Journal of Science, Technology and Management, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 47-54 (2008).
- Vijaya K, Khanna Nehemiah H and Kannan A, "A Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Predicting the Risk of Hepatitis", International Journal of Computing and Mathematical Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 109-120 (2008).
- DS Elizabeth, A Kannan, HK Nehemiah, "Computer Aided Diagnosis System for the Detection of Bronchiectasis in Chest Computed Tomography Images", International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 290 - 298 (2009).
- Kalavakonda Vijaya, Khanna Nehemiah H, Kannan A, Bhuvaneswari N G, " Fuzzy Neuro Genetic Approach for Predicting the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases", International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, published by Inderscience Publishers. Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 388-402 (2010).
- A Vimala, S., Khanna Nehemiah, H., Saranya, G., Kannan, "Applying Game Theory to Restructure PL/SQL Code", International Journal of Soft Computing, Vol. 2, Issue. 6, pp. 264-270. (2012)
- DS Elizabeth, HK Nehemiah, CSR Raj, A Kannan, A novel segmentation approach for improving diagnostic accuracy of CAD systems for detecting lung cancer from chest computed tomography images, Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) Vol. 3, Issue (2), 1-16 (2012)
- D Shiloah Elizabeth, H Khanna Nehemiah, C Sunil Retmin Raj, A Kannan, "A Novel Segmentation Approach for Improving Diagnostic Accuracy of CAD Systems for Detecting Lung Cancer from Chest Computed Tomography Images", ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, Vol. 3, Issue. 2, pp. 1-4 (2012)
- DS Elizabeth, HK Nehemiah, CSR Raj, A Kannan, "Computer-aided diagnosis of lung cancer based on analysis of the significant slice of chest computed tomography image", IET image processing Vol. 6, Issue 6, 697-705 (2012)
- Vimala S., Khanna Nehemiah H., Saranya G. and Kannan A, "Analysis and Modeling of Multivalued Attributes in Entity Relationship Modeling: An Approach for Improved Database Design", CRL Publishing - Computer Systems Science and Engineering, published by CRL Publishing. Vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 217-223. (2013).
- S Vimala, H Khanna Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, G Saranya, "Design Methodology for Relational Databases: Issues Related to Ternary Relationships in Entity-Relationship Model and Higher Normal Forms", International Journal of Database Management System (IJDMS) Vol, Vol. 5, (2013).
- Shiloah Elizabeth Darmanayagam, Khanna Nehemiah Harichandran, Sunil Retmin Raj Cyril, Kannan Arputharaj, "A novel supervised approach for segmentation of lung parenchyma from chest CT for computer-aided diagnosis", Journal of digital imaging, Published by Springer-Verlag, Vol. 26, Issue. 3, pp. 496-509 (2013)
- Anita Titus, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, Jabez Christopher, "A Morphological Approach for the Extraction of the Disorders of the Pleura from Chest CT Slices" presented in a International level conference on International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, organised by Nitte Meenakhsi Institute of Technology, India from 01-Aug-2014 to 02-Aug-2014, Vol. 2, pp. 699-710. (2014)
- Anita Titus, H. Khanna Nehemiah, A. Kannan, "Classification of Interstitial Lung Diseases using Particle Swarm Optimized Support Vector Machine", International Journal of Soft Computing, published by Medwell Publications, Vol. 10, Issue. 1, pp. 25-36. (2015).
- AK C. Sunil Retmin Raj ,H. Khanna Nehemiah ,D. Shiloah Elizabeth, "Two-Phase Supervised Segmentation Algorithm for Automatic Segmentation of Lung Parenchyma from Chest CT", International Journal of Soft Computing, Published by Medwell Journals, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 127-136 (2015).
- S Jacophine Susmi, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, Jabez Christopher, "Relevant Gene Selection and differentiation of Leukemia Gene Expression Data", Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, Springer, Singapore, pp. 503-510.(2015)
- Kindie Biredagn Nahato, Khanna Nehemiah Harichandran, Kannan Arputharaj, "Knowledge mining from clinical datasets using rough sets and backpropagation neural network", Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, Published by Hindawi, Vol. 1, Issue 1. (2015)
- N Leema, P Radha, SC Vettivel, H Khanna Nehemiah, "Characterization, pore size measurement and wear model of a sintered Cu–W nano composite using radial basis functional neural network", Materials & Design, Published by Elsevier, Vol. 68, pp. 195-206. (2015)
- S Jacophine Susmi, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, J Jabez Christopher, "A hybrid classifier for leukemia gene expression data", Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Maxwell Science Publishing, Vol. 10, Issue. 2, pp. 197-205 (2015).
- J Jabez Christopher, H Khanna Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "A swarm optimization approach for clinical knowledge mining", International Journal on Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, Published by Elsevier, Vol. 121, Issue. 3, pp. 137-148. (2015)
- JJ Christopher, HK Nehemiah, A Kannan, "A clinical decision support system for diagnosis of allergic rhinitis based on intradermal skin tests", Computers in Biology and medicine, Vol. 65, 76-84. (2015)
- S Jacophine Susmi, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, G Saranya, "Hybrid Algorithm for Clustering Gene Expression Data", Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Maxwell Science Publishing, Vol. 11, Issue. 7, pp. 692-700 (2015).
- Kindie Biredagn Nahato, Khanna H Nehemiah, A Kannan, "Hybrid approach using fuzzy sets and extreme learning machine for classifying clinical datasets", Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, Vol. 2, pp. 1-11. (2016)
- Nancy Yesudhas Jane, Khanna Harichandran Nehemiah, Kannan Arputharaj, "A temporal mining framework for classifying un-evenly spaced clinical data: an approach for building effective clinical decision-making system", Applied clinical informatics, Vol. 7, Issue. 1, pp. 1. (2016)
- N Leema, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, J Jabez Christopher, "Computer aided diagnosis system for clinical decision making: experimentation using Pima Indian diabetes dataset", Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 15, Issue. 17, pp. 3217-3231. (2016)
- Angelin Gladston, H Khanna Nehemiah, Palanisamy Narayanasamy, Arputharaj Kannan, "Test suite reduction using hgs based heuristic approach", Computing and Informatics, Vol. 34, Isue. 5, pp. 1113-1132.(2016)
- Jabez J Christopher, Khanna H Nehemiah, Kannan Arputharaj, "Knowledge-based systems and interestingness measures: analysis with clinical datasets", Journal of computing and information technology, Vol. 24, Issue. 1, pp. 65-78. (2016)
- Y Nancy Jane, H Khanna Nehemiah, Kannan Arputharaj, A Q-backpropagated time delay neural network for diagnosing severity of gait disturbances in Parkinson’s disease, Journal of biomedical informatics, Vol. 60, pp. 169-176. (2016)
- J Dhalia Sweetlin, H Khanna Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "Patient-Specific Model Based Segmentation of Lung Computed Tomographic Images", Journal of Information Science & Engineering, Vol. 32, Issue.5. (2016)
- Khanna H Nehemiah, Angelin Gladston, Arputharaj Kannan, "An optimal tabu prioritization algorithm for regression testing", COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, CRL PUBLISHING LTD, Vol. 31, Issue. 5, pp. 385-392.(2016)
- M Shanmugapriya, H Khanna Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, Kannan Arputharaj, J Jabez Christopher, "SimE: a geometric approach for similarity estimation of fuzzy sets", Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Maxwell Science Publishing, Vol. 13, Issue. 5, pp. 345-353.(2016)
- Jabez J Christopher, Harichandran Khanna Nehemiah, Kannan Arputharaj, George L Moses, "Computer-assisted medical decision-making system for diagnosis of Urticaria", MDM policy & practice, Vol. 1, Issue. 1. (2016)
- Angelin Gladston, Khanna Nehemiah H, Narayanasamy P, Kannan A, " Test Case Prioritization for Regression Testing using Immune Operator", International Arab Journal of Information Technology, published by Zarqa University, Jordan, Vol. 13, Issue. 6. (2016).
- N Leema, H Khanna Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "Neural network classifier optimization using differential evolution with global information and back propagation algorithm for clinical datasets", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 49, pp. 834-844 (2016)
- S Jacophine Susmi, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, "Hybrid Dimension Reduction Techniques with Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network for Classifying Leukemia Gene Expression Data", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, pp. S1.(2016)
- M Shanmugapriya, H Khanna Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, Kannan Arputharaj, J Jabez Christopher, "Unsupervised Discretization: An Analysis of Classification Approaches for Clinical Datasets", Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Maxwell Science Publishing, Vol. 14, Issue. 2, pp. 67-72. (2017)
- J Dhalia Sweetlin, H Khanna Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "Feature selection using ant colony optimization with tandem-run recruitment to diagnose bronchitis from CT scan images", Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, Vol. 145, pp. 115-125 (2017)
- Jane Y Nancy, Nehemiah H Khanna, Arputharaj Kannan, "A bio-statistical mining approach for classifying multivariate clinical time series data observed at irregular intervals", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 78, pp. 283-300. (2017)
- Sunil Retmin Raj C, Khanna Nehemiah H, Shiloah Elizabeth D, "Distance Based Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Computer Aided Diagnosis Systems", Current Medical Imaging, Vol. 13, Issue. 3, pp. 284-298. (2017)
- Jane Y Nancy, Nehemiah H Khanna, Kannan Arputharaj, "Imputing missing values in unevenly spaced clinical time series data to build an effective temporal classification framework", Computational statistics & data analysis, Vol. 112, pp. 63-79. (2017)
- M Shanmugapriya, H Khanna Nehemiah, RS Bhuvaneswaran, Kannan Arputharaj, J Dhalia Sweetlin, "Fuzzy Discretization based Classification of Medical Data", Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Maxwell Science Publishing, Vol. 14, Issue. 8, pp. 291-298. (2017)
- G Saranya, H Khanna Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "Hybrid particle swarm optimisation with mutation for code smell detection", International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, Vol. 12, Issue. 3, pp. 186-195. (2018)
- Angelin Gladston, H Khanna Nehemiah, Palanisamy Narayanasamy, Arputharaj Kannan, "Test Case Selection Using Feature Extraction and Clustering", International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO), IGI Global, Vol. 8, Issue. 2, pp. 18-31. (2018)
- Retmin Raj, H Khanna Nehemiah, D Shiloah Elizabeth, A Kannan, "A novel feature-significance based k-nearest neighbour classification approach for computer aided diagnosis of lung disorders",Current Medical Imaging, Vol. 14, Issue. 2, pp. 289-300. (2018)
- J Dhalia Sweetlin, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, "Computer aided diagnosis of pulmonary hamartoma from CT scan images using ant colony optimization based feature selection", Alexandria engineering journal, Vol. 57, Issue. 3, pp. 1557-1567. (2018)
- G Saranya, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, V Nithya, "Model level code smell detection using egapso based on similarity measures", Alexandria engineering journal, Vol. 57, Issue. 3, pp. 1631-1642. (2018)
- M Selvi, K Thangaramya, Sannasi Ganapathy, Kanagasabai Kulothungan, H Khannah Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "An energy aware trust based secure routing algorithm for effective communication in wireless sensor networks", Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 105, Issue. 4, pp. 1475-1490. (2019)
- M Selvi, P Velvizhy, Sannasi Ganapathy, H Khanna Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "A rule based delay constrained energy efficient routing technique for wireless sensor networks", Cluster Computing, Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 10839-10848. (2019)
- VR Elgin Christo, H Khanna Nehemiah, B Minu, Arputharaj Kannan, "Correlation-based ensemble feature selection using bioinspired algorithms and classification using backpropagation neural network", Computational and mathematical methods in medicine (2019)
- N Leema, H Khanna Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Based Radial Basis Function Network for Classification of Clinical Datasets", Cognitive Analytics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, pp. 1290-1313 (2020)
- VR Elgin Christo, H Khanna Nehemiah, Kindie Biredagn Nahato, J Brighty, A Kannan, "Computer assisted medical decision-making system using genetic algorithm and extreme learning machine for diagnosing allergic rhinitis", International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, Published by Inderscience Publishers (IEL), Vol. 16, Issue. 3, pp. 148-157 (2020)
- VR Elgin Christo, H Khanna Nehemiah, J Brighty, Arputharaj Kannan, "Feature Selection and Instance Selection from Clinical Datasets Using Co-operative Co-evolution and Classification Using Random Forest", IETE Journal of Research, pp. 1-14. (2020)
- Munuswamy Selvi, SVN Santhosh Kumar, Sannasi Ganapathy, Ayyasamy Ayyanar, Harichandran Khanna Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "An Energy Efficient Clustered Gravitational and Fuzzy Based Routing Algorithm in WSNs", Wireless Personal Communications, Springer US, pp. 1-30. (2020)
- Anisha Isaac, H Khanna Nehemiah, Anubha Isaac, A Kannan, "Computer-Aided Diagnosis system for diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema using bio-inspired algorithms", Computers in Biology and Medicine, Pergamon (2020)
- N Leema, Khanna H Nehemiah, Elgin Christo VR, A Kannan, "Evaluation of Parameter Settings for Training Neural Networks Using Backpropagation Algorithms: A Study With Clinical Datasets", International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS), Published by IGI Global, Vol. 11, Issue. 4, pp. 62-85 (2020)
- S Sreejith, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, "Clinical Data Classification Using an Enhanced SMOTE and Chaotic Evolutionary Feature Selection", Computers in Biology and Medicine, Pergamon (2020).
- S Sreejith, H Khanna Nehemiah, A Kannan, "A Classification Framework using a Diverse Intensified Strawberry Optimized Neural Network (DISON) for Clinical Decision-making", Cognitive Systems Research, Elsevier (2020).
- Y Nancy Jane, H Khanna Nehemiah, Arputharaj Kannan, "Classifying unevenly spaced clinical time series data using forecast error approximation based bottom-up (FeAB) segmented time delay neural network", Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, Published by Taylor & Francis, pp. 1-14 (2020)
- H Khanna Nehemiah, "Mining knowledge from gene expression datasets", Chennai
International /National Programmes: 7
- Prasad G.N.S Bose S, Khanna Nehemiah H, Uma Maheswari V, Arul Siromoney, Mehata K.M, Anna Siromoney, Korah I, Raghuram L, "Granular Hierarchy In Knowledge Discovery", Eighth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge Discovery in Biomedicine, pp. 117-124
- KA Khanna Nehemiah H, Mathumitha, "Intelligent Information Extraction From Websites Using Web Structure Mining" presented in a National level conference on National Conference in Data Mining and its Applications , India, pp.154-157. (2006)
- Kannan A Khanna Nehemiah H, Sridevi S, "Temporal Rule Mining in Clinical Databases", National Conference in Data Mining and its Applications, pp. 141-145. (2006)
- "A Morphological Approach for the Extraction of the Disorders of the Pleura from Chest CT Slices" presented in a International level conference on International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, organised by Nitte Meenakhsi Institute of Technology, India from 01-Aug-2014 to 02-Aug-2014.
- Kindie Biredagn Nahato, H Khanna Nehemiah, A. Kannan, "Mining Knowledge from Heart Disease Dataset using Rough Set Backpropagation Neural Network (RS-BPNN)" presented in a International level conference on International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, organised by Nitte Meenakhsi Institute of Technology, India from 01-Aug-2014 to 02-Aug-2014, Vol. 2, pp. 799-805. (2014)
- Anita Titus, Khanna Nehemiah H, Kannan A, Jabez Christopher J, "Mining Knowledge from Heart Disease Dataset using Rough Set Backpropagation Neural Network (RS-BPNN)" presented in a International level conference on International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, organised by Nitte Meenakhsi Institute of Technology, India from 01-Aug-2014 to 02-Aug-2014.
- M Selvi, Rajasekar Logambigai, Sannasi Ganapathy, L Sai Ramesh, H Khanna Nehemiah, Kannan Arputharaj, "Fuzzy temporal approach for energy efficient routing in WSN", Proceedings of the international conference on informatics and analytics, pp. 1-5. (2016)
- M Selvi, R Logambigai, S Ganapathy, H Khanna Nehemiah, Kannan Arputharaj, "An intelligent agent and FSO based efficient routing algorithm for wireless sensor network", second international conference on recent trends and challenges in computational models (ICRTCCM), pp. 100-105(2017)
- Khanna Nehemiah H , Mathumitha and Kannan A, "Granular Hierarchy In Knowledge Discovery" presented in a International level conference on Eighth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge Discovery in Biomedicine.
- "Temporal Rule Mining in Clinical Databases" presented in a National level conference on National Conference in Data Mining and its Applications, India .
- "Intelligent Information Extraction From Websites Using Web Structure Mining" presented in a National level conference on National Conference in Data Mining and its Applications , India .
Subjects Handled
Wireless Network
Computing Techniques
Advanced Database
Database Tuning
Major Subjects Handled
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