
Professional Interest
Cryptography, Network Security, Blockchain Technologies, Optimization, Cloud Computing
Courses Handled
- Cryptography and Network Security
- Blockchain Technologies
- Problem solving and Python Programming
- Nonlinear Programming
- Dynamic Programming
- Object Oriented Programming using C++
- Machine Learning
- Computer Network
Journal Publications: 9
- B Lydia Elizabeth, J Gayathri, S Subashini, and A John Prakash. “HIDE: hyperchaotic image encryption using DNA computing”. In: Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (2022), pp. 1–15.
- R Sathia Priya, A John Prakash, and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “An Analytic solution for the Hadoop Configuration Combinatorial Puzzle based on General Factorial Design.” In: KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems 16.11 (2022).
- John Prakash Arockiasamy, Lydia Elizabeth Benjamin, and Rhymend Uthariaraj Vaidyanathan. “Beyond Statistical Analysis in Chaos-Based CSPRNG Design”. In: Security and Communication Networks 2021 (2021).
- N Thilagavathi, A John Prakash, S Sridevi, and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “TARA: Temperature Aware online dynamic Resource Allocation scheme for energy optimization in cloud data centres”. In: Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences 30.2022 (2021), pp. 1050–1066.
- A John Prakash and B Lydia Elizabeth. “Pindex: Private multi-linked index for encrypted document retrieval”. In: Plos one 16.8 (2021), e0256223.
- B Lydia Elizabeth and A John Prakash. “Verifiable top-k searchable encryption for cloud data”. In: Sadhana 45.1 (2020), pp. 1–16.
- A John Prakash and B Lydia Elizabeth. “ASAKE: Adaptive Secure Authenticated Key Establishment Mechanism for Dynamic Networks”. In: Asian Journal of Information Technology 15.18 (2016), pp. 3562 –3576.
- John Prakash A Rhymend Uthariaraj V Lydia Elizabeth B Ramya K. “T-Select : Trust based cloud provider selection”. In: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10.1 (2015), pp. 979–996.
- A John Prakash, B Lydia Elizabeth, and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “Performance Evaluation of Multicrypt Encryption Mechanism”. In: American Journal of Applied Sciences 9.11 (2012), pp. 1849 –1861.
Conference Publications: 9
- B Lydia Elizabeth, A John Prakash, and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “TSED: Top-k Ranked Searchable Encryption for Secure Cloud Data Storage”. In: Advances in Big Data and Cloud Computing. Springer, 2018, pp. 113–121
- A John Prakash, V Rhymend Uthariaraj, and B Lydia Elizabeth. “Efficient Key Management Protocol with Predictive Rekeying for Dynamic Networks”. In: Green High Performance Computing (ICGHPC), 2016 2nd International Conference on. IEEE. 2016, pp. 1–6.
- B Lydia Elizabeth, K Ramya, A John Prakash, and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “Trustworthy mechanisms for selecting cloud service providers”. In: Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT), 2014 International Conference on. IEEE. 2014, pp. 1–5.
- B Lydia Elizabeth, R Aaishwarya, P Kiruthika, M Nandini Shrada, A John Prakash, and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “Bayesian based confidence model for trust inference in MANETs”. In: Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT), 2011 International Conference on. IEEE. 2011, pp. 402–406.
- B Lydia Elizabeth, S Sudha, A John Prakash, and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “An Improved Uncertainty Reduction Scheme Based on Bayesian Prediction in MANETs”. In: International Conference on Network Security and Applications. Springer. 2011, pp. 249–257.
- H Venkateswaran and A John Prakash. “Scalable Geographic Based Multicasting (SGBM) Protocol”. In: Trends in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology. Springer, 2011, pp. 233–243.
- A John Prakash and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “Multicrypt: A provably secure encryption scheme for multicast communication”. In: Networks and Communications, 2009. NETCOM’09. First International Conference on. IEEE. 2009, pp. 246–253.
- A John Prakash and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “Secure Authenticated Key Establishment Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks”. In: Network and System Security, 2009. NSS’09. Third International Conference on. IEEE. 2009, pp. 87–94.
- A John Prakash and V Rhymend Uthariaraj. “Multicast cryptosystem: A cryptosystem for secure multicast communication”. In: Network and Parallel Computing, 2008. NPC 2008. IFIP International Conference on. IEEE. 2008, pp. 119–124.
Invited Talks
- Virtualization Techniques on 26-05-2021 and 27-05-2021. Faculty Development Training Programme on Cloud Computing. ICAM Loyola College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, 2021.
- Mobile Commerce. Faculty Development Training Programme on Mobile Computing. Department of Information Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, 2016.
- Multicast Systems. Faculty Development Training Programme on Computer Networks. Department of Computer Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, 2015.
- Cloud Defined. AICTE-QIP Short Term Course on Cloud Computing Technologies on 03-04-2013. Anna University, 2013.
- Cloud Viirtual Infrastructure Managers on 04-04-2013. AICTE-QIP Short Term Course on cloud Computing Technologies. Anna University, 2013.
- Fundamentals of Modern Key Management Technique on 05-03-2009. AICTE-QIP Short Term Course on Recent developments in network security. Anna University, 2009.
Programme Organized
- Member online committee – First International Conference on Software Defined Networking between 09-08-2019 and 10-08-2019. Indian Institute of Technology - Madras, TANFINET, CSI, Anna University. 2019.
- National Level Short Course on AICTE-QIP Sponsored Short Term Course on Cloud Computing Technologies. Anna University. 2013.
- National Level Short Course on Foundation Course in Cuecent BPMS. Anna University. 2013.
- National Level Short Course on Workshop on BPMS. Anna University. 2013.
- National Level Short Course on AICTE-QIP Sponsored Short Term Course on Recent Trends in Computer Networks. Anna University. 2011.
Programme Participated
- 12 Week NPTEL Online Certification Course on Secure Multiparty Computation between September and December 2021. IISc and MHRD. 2021.
- 12 Week NPTEL Online Certification Course on The Joy of Python Programming between September and December 2021. IIT Ropar and MHRD. 2021.
- 12 Week NPTEL Online Certification Course on Computational Number Theory and Algebra between September and December 2020. IIT Kanpur and MHRD. 2020.
- ATAL Academy Online FDP on Blockchain between 05-10-2020 and 09-10-2020. National Institute of Technology Meghalaya. 2020.
- AICTE-AU Sponsored Faculty Development Training Programme on GE8151 Problem Solving and Python Programming between 13-05-2019 and 17-05-2019. Computer Centre, MIT Campus, Anna University. 2019.
- Short-term Course on Blockchain Technology-Business Innovations and Applications between 11-03-2019 and 15-03-2019. National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli in association with 8 Industries. 2019.
- GIAN Course on High Performance Computing Concepts and Practice between 08-10-2018 and 13-10-2018. Department of Computer Science, National Institute of Technology Calicut. 2018.
- Two-Day Saptahaant Shikshak Prashikshan on Introduction to Machine Learning between 16-12-2017 and 17-12-2017. Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. 2017.
- Workshop on Research and Development Project Proposals - Awareness, Needs and Benefits on 26-02-2014. Anna University. 2014.
- National Level ISTE Workshop on Writing Effective Conference Papers between 18-02-2012 and 19-02-2012. Anna University. 2012.
- International level Workshop on Recent Trends in Stochastic Modelling and Mathematical Finance between 22-12-2011 and 24-12-2011. Anna University. 2011.
- National Level ISTE Workshop on Database Management between 13-12-2010 and 23-12-2010. Anna University. 2010.
- National Level ISTE Workshop on effective teaching/learning of Computer Programming between 14-12-2010 and 24-12-2010. Anna University. 2010.
- National Level short course on Computer Networks: Fundamentals to State-of-the-art Technologies between 18-02-2008 and 29-02-2008. Anna University. 2008.
- National Level short course on Recent Trends in Grid Computing between 03-03-2008 and 15-03-2008. Anna University. 2008.
- National Level workshop on Thesis writing for Research Scholars between 04-12-2008 and 05-12-2008. Anna University. 2008.
- National Level workshop on Adhoc Networks between 22-03-2007 and 23-03-2007. Anna University. 2007.
Selected additional responsibilities and committees
2019 - till
2022 - till
2021 - till
2022 - till
2021 - till
2020 - till
2016 - till
Consultancy Contributions
2020 - till | Online Counselling Application, Anna University Admissions, Anna University | Designed, Developed and Implemented using PHP, Postgres, Vuejs |
2020 - till | Online Counselling Application, Tamil Nadu Common Admissions (TANCA 2020), Government of Tamil Nadu | Designed, Developed and Implemented using PHP, Postgres, Vuej |
2019 | Digital Valuation System (DVS), Additional Controller of Examinations (University Departments), Anna University | Designed, Developed and Implemented using Golang, Postgres, Vuejs |
2018 | Online Counselling Application, Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions(TNEA 2018), Government of Tamil Nadu | Designed, Developed and Implemented using PHP, Postgres, Vuejs |
2018 - till | Virtual Research Lab, Ramanujan Computing Centre, Anna University | Central Computing infrastructure for HPC, Deep Learning and Scientific Programming |
2016 - 2018 | Datacentre Migration, Knowledge Data Centre, Anna University | Migration Architecture Design and Build from SPARC to x86 Architecture |
2015 -2018 | Anna University Webcast, Knowledge Data Centre, Anna University | Developed and Implemented |
2014 - 2018 | Anna University Payment Gateway, Knowledge Data Centre, Anna University | Security application testing, Server Architecture design and build |
- Senior Research Fellowship (SRF), MHRD-CSIR, India, 2007- 2009.
Professional Membership
- Member-IEEE,Member-ACM, Member-IACR.
- C, C++, Python, PHP, Javascript, Golang, Postgres, VueJs, HTML, Bootstrap, Material design lite
Doctoral Guidance
- S Irene, Search over Surveillance Security Systems (Pursuing)
- M Nandhini, Secure Machine Learning Algorithms for Cloud (Pursuing)
2013 - Present
Contact Me
Ramanujan Computing Centre
College of Engineering
Anna University, Chennai
Chennai - 600 025
Tamil Nadu
- office: 044 - 2235 8014