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  • Memorandum of Understanding

In order to enhance the language skills, analytical and problem solving skills, interest in global issues, cultural exposure as well as a broader general knowledge for both the faculty and students, the centreis actively engaged in facilitating collaboration between universities / Institutions abroad and Anna University by way of signing MoU between the institutions.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Name of University Country Flag
1 University of Adelaide Australia event thumb
2 Swinburne University of Technology Australia event thumb
3 KU Leuven University Belgium event thumb
4 Addis Ababa Institute of Technology Ethiopia event thumb
5 Dambi Dollo University Ethiopia event thumb
6 Ethiopian Institute of Innovation Ethiopia event thumb
7 University of Tours France event thumb
8 University of Angers France event thumb
9 Ecole Centrale De Nantes France event thumb
10 Ansbach University of Applied Sciences Germany event thumb
11 Freie Universitat Berlin Germany event thumb
12 Politecnico Di Milano Italy event thumb
13 Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan event thumb
14 National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) Japan event thumb
15 Chubu University Japan event thumb
16 Yokohama National University Japan event thumb
17 Hiroshima University Japan event thumb
18 Osaka City University Japan event thumb
19 Shizuoka University Japan event thumb
20 INTI International University Malaysia event thumb
21 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Malaysia event thumb
22 Institute of Technology Petronas SDN. BHD. Malaysia event thumb
23 Universidad Autonoma Del Estado De Morelas Mexico event thumb
24 Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands event thumb
25 AGH University of Krakow Poland event thumb
26 Holy Cross of Davao College (HCDC) Phillipines event thumb
27 Abrar University Somalia event thumb
28 University of Skovde Sweden event thumb
29 University of Bern Switzerland event thumb
30 University of Zululand South Africa event thumb
31 Eskisehir Technical University Turkey event thumb
32 Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Turkey event thumb
33 National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Taiwan event thumb
34 University of Nottingham UK event thumb
35 Loughborough University UK event thumb
36 Birmingham City University UK event thumb
37 University of Westminster UK event thumb
38 Arizona State University USA event thumb
39 Drexel University USA event thumb