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Publications emanated from Centre for Climate Change and Disaster Management:
  1. S Pavithrapriya, A Ramachandran, S. N. Ahamed Ibrahim, K. Palanivelu (2022), Climate variability trend and extreme indices for the Thanjavur Delta region of Tamil Nadu in South India, MAUSAM 73 (2), 237-250 
  2. Ahamed Ibrahim S.N., Sri Shalini S, Ramachandran A et al. Spatio-temporal variation and sensitivity analysis of aerosol particulate matter during the COVID-19 phase-wise lockdowns in Indian cities. J Atmos Chem 79, 39–66 (2022).
  3.  S Sri Shalini, K Palanivelu, A Ramachandran, Biochar Pyrolyzed from Municipal Solid Waste—Properties, Activation, Applications and Climate Benefits (2022), Zero Waste Biorefinery, 383-423
  4. TD RushendraRevathy, A Ramachandran, K Palanivelu (2021), Utilization of steelmaking slag for carbon capture and storage with flue gas, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-18 
  5. TDR Revathy, A Ramachandran, K Palanivelu (2021). Carbon capture and storage using coal fly ash with flue gas, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 1-19
  6. Dhanya, P., Ramachandran, A., & Palanivelu, K. (2021). Understanding the Local Perception, Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience Planning Among the Farmers of Semi-Arid Tracks of South India. Agricultural Research, 1-18.
  7. Lakshmi, S., Nivethaa, E. A. K., Ahamed Ibrahim, S. N., Ramachandran, A., & Palanivelu, K. (2021). Prediction of Future Extremes During the Northeast Monsoon in the Coastal Districts of Tamil Nadu State in India Based on ENSO. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-22.
  8. Jeganathan, A., Andimuthu, R., & Kandasamy, P. (2021). Climate risks and socio-economic vulnerability in Tamil Nadu, India. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-15.
  9. Rushendra Revathy, T. D., Ramachandran, A., & Palanivelu, K. (2021). Sequestration of CO2 by red mud with flue gas using response surface methodology. Carbon Management, 12(2), 139-151.
  10. Jeganathan, A., Andimuthu, R., & Kandasamy, P. (2021). Challenges in Chennai City to Cope with Changing Climate. European Journal of Climate Change. Journal reference: Eur. J. Clim. Ch, 1(01), 17-23.
  11. Sachin, E. K., Ramachandran, A., Palanivelu, K., Syrtsova, D. A., Teplyakov, V. V., & Kunalan, S. (2020). Waste cooking oil as an efficient solvent for the production of urea precursor ammonium carbamate from carbon dioxide. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 11(2), 222-231.
  12. Syrtsova, D. A., Shalygin, M. G., Teplyakov, V. V., Palanivelu, K., Zinoviev, A. V., Piskarev, M. S., & Kuznetsov, A. A. (2020). Enhancement of Gas Separation Properties of Polyvinyltrimethylsilane by Low-Temperature Plasma Treatment for Carbon Dioxide Utilization in “Green Chemistry” Processes. Membranes and Membrane Technologies, 3(1), 43-51.
  13. Beckman, I. N., Syrtsova, D. А., Shalygin, M. G., Kandasamy, P., & Teplyakov, V. V. (2020). Transmembrane gas transfer: Mathematics of diffusion and experimental practice. Journal of Membrane Science, 601, 117737.
  14. Srinivasan, P., Andimuthu, R., SN, A. I., Ramachandran, P., Rajkumar, E., & Kandasamy, P. (2020). Methane emission from municipal solid waste dumpsites: A case study of Chennai city in India. Advances in environmental research, 9(2), 97-107.
  15. Sri Shalini, S., Palanivelu, K., Ramachandran, A., & Raghavan, V. (2020). Biochar from biomass waste as a renewable carbon material for climate change mitigation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions—a review. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-21.
  16. Geetha, R., Ramachandran, A., Indumathi, J., Palanivelu, K., Uma, G. V., Bal, P. K., & Thirumurugan, P. (2019). Characterization of future climate extremes over Tamil Nadu, India, using high-resolution regional climate model simulation. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 138(3), 1297-1309.
  17. Jeganathan, A., Andimuthu, R., & Kandasamy, P. (2019). Thermal comfort level in Chennai Metropolis under present and future climate scenarios. European Journal of Climate Change, 1(1), 17-23.
  18. Ramachandran, A., Palanivelu, K., Mudgal, B. V., Jeganathan, A., Guganesh, S., Abinaya, B., & Elangovan, A. (2019). Climate change impact on fluvial flooding in the Indian sub-basin: A case study on the Adyar sub-basin. PloS one, 14(5), e0216461.
  19. Andimuthu, R., Kandasamy, P., Mudgal, B. V., Jeganathan, A., Balu, A., & Sankar, G. (2019). Performance of urban storm drainage network under changing climate scenarios: Flood mitigation in Indian coastal city. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-10.
  20. Karpagavalli, M. S., Ramachandran, A., & Palanivelu, K. (2019). Spatial and temporal variations of water quality in Pallikaranai wetland, Chennai, India. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 18(1), 86-106.
  21. Anushiya Jeganathan, Ramachandran Andimuthu and Palanivelu Kandasamy (2018), Trends of the observed temperature and its variations in the Tamil Nadu State of India, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,
  22. Dhanya Praveen, Andimuthu Ramachandran and Kandasamy Palanivelu, Changing aridity status in the purview of climate change in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu, India, (2018), Journal of Agrometerology,20 (1).
  23. Ramachandran A, Dhanya Praveen, Jaganathan R, Raja Lakshmi D, Palanivelu K. (2017). Spatiotemporal analysis of projected impacts of climate change on the major C3 and C4 crop yield under representative concentration pathway 4.5: Insight from the coasts of Tamil Nadu, South India, PLoS ONE,12(7): e0180706. 10.1371/journal.pone.0180706.
  24. Ramachandran, A. Saleem Khan, K. Palanivelu, R. Prasannavenkatesh and N. (2017). Projection of climate change-induced sea-level rise for the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, India using SimCLIM: a first step towards planning adaptation policies, Journal Coastal conservation, DOI: 10.1007/s11852-017-0532-6.
  25. Andimuthu Ramachandran and Parthasarathy Radhapriya, “Restoration of Degraded Soil in the Nanmangalam Reserve Forest with Native Tree Species: Effect of Indigenous Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2016, Article ID 5465841, 9 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/5465841.
  26. Prasanta Kumar Bal,, Andimuthu Ramachandran,, Kandasamy Palanivelu, P. Thirumurugan, Geetha. R, and B. Bhaskaran” Climate Change Projections Over India By A Downscaling Approach Using Precis, Asia-Pacififc. Journal of Atmospheric science, Vol 52(2), pp – 1- 16, 2016.
  27. Dhanya P , Ramachandran A , “Farmers' perceptions of climate change and the proposed agriculture adaptation strategies in a semi arid region of south India”, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences ,13, Iss. 1, 2016
  28. Ramachandran A, Radhapriya P, Jayakumar S, Dhanya P, Geetha R (2016) Critical Analysis of Forest Degradation in the Southern Eastern Ghats of India: Comparison of Satellite Imagery and Soil Quality Index. PLoS ONE11(1): e0147541. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147541
  29. Radhapriya P, Ramachandran A, Anandham R, Mahalingam S (2015) Pseudomonas aeruginosa RRALC3 Enhances the Biomass, Nutrient and Carbon Contents ofPongamiapinnata Seedlings in Degraded Forest Soil. PLoS ONE10(10): e0139881. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139881
  30. Ramachandran, Dhanya Praveen, R. Jaganathan, and K. Palanivelu, “Projected and Observed Aridity and Climate Change in the East Coast of South India under RCP 4.5,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2015, Article ID 169761, 11 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/169761
  31. Prasannavenkatesh R, Andimuthu R, Kandasamy P, et al. Assessment of Population Exposure to Coarse and Fine Particulate Matter in the Urban Areas of Chennai, India. The Scientific World Journal.2015;2015:643714. doi:10.1155/2015/643714.
  32. Remya K, Ramachandran A and Jayakumar S, 2015, “Predicting the current and future suitable habitat distribution of MyristicadactyloidesGaertnusing MaxEnt model in the Eastern Ghats, India” Ecological Engineering. (Accepted).
  33. RushendraRevathy T D , Palanivelu K, Ramachandran, A (2015), “Direct Mineral Carbonation of Coal Fly Ash for CO2 Sequestration”, Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.05.145 ( In Press)
  34. Dhanya P, Ramachandran A (2015), “Projected Warming and Occurrence ofMeteorological Droughts—Insights from theCoasts of South India”, American Journal of Climate Change
  35. Prasanta Kumar Bal, Ramachandran A, Geetha.R, Bhaskaran, P.Thirumurugan, J.Indumathi, N.Jayanthi (2015) “Climate Change Projections for Tamil Nadu, India: Deriving High Resolution Climate Data by a downscaling approach using PRECIS” Theoretical and Applied Climatology
  36. RushendraRevathy, K. Palanivelu and Ramachandran A (2015) “¬Sequestration of carbon dioxide by red mud through direct mineral carbonation at room temperature” International journal of Global Warming, In press, ISSN 1758-2083
  37. Remya K, Ramachandran A,  Jayakumar S, DivyaSubash Kumar, Radhapriya P and Malini P (2015) “Rainfall trend analysis of Kolli hill, Tamil Nadu, India” Mausam, vol.66, No.1. [J-065 (5586)].
  38. Dhanya P, Ramachandran A, and K Palanivelu, 2014 An assessment of perceptions and autonomous adaptation among the farmers of North East Tamil Nadu, under the purview of climate change, Journal of Studies in Dynamics and Change1, No.8: 309-319
  39. AnushiyaJeganathan, Ramachandran A, Ramachandran Prasannavenkatesh&DivyaSubashKumar (2014): ‘Spatial variation of temperature and indicative of the urban heat island in Chennai Metropolitan Area, India’, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-014-1331-8.
  40. Ramachandran, A &Anushiya, J (2014): “Long-term rainfall trends of Indian urban station and its variation in different phases and seasons”, International Journal of Global Warming, (In Press).
  41. Dhanya P, Ramachandran A, Radhapriya P, Thirumurugan P (2014)”A Preliminary assessment of observed and projected trends in the diurnal temperature ranges over South India under SRES A1B scenario”. International Journal of Global Warming (Accepted), Article In press.
  42. DivyaSubash Kumar, Ramachandran A, RupaRajan and Mada Suresh Venkatesan (2014), “Spatial trend, environmental and socioeconomic factors associated with malaria prevalence in Chennai”, Malaria Journal13:14.
  43. Ramachandran A and Senthil Kumar M, 2014, FT-IR, UV and antimicrobial activity with Aniasomniferaand with Aniaobtusifolia, International journal of Pharma and Biosciences, Vol.5, No.4:111-117
  44. Saleem Khan, Ramachandran A, P. Malini and K. Palanivelu (2014) ” ‘Climate portfolio’ of Pichavaram mangrove region of Tamil Nadu coast, India: an add-on information for adaptation policy planning”. Journal of Integrative and Environmental Sciences. 10.1080/ 1943815X. 2014.975724.
  45. Ramachandran A, Dhanya P, Radhapriya P, Divya SK, Remya K, Palanivelu K (2014): “Vulnerability and Adaptation assessment a way forward for sustainable sectoral development in the purview of climate variability and change: insights from the coast of Tamil Nadu, India” .International Journal of Global Warming(Article in Press).
  46. Radhapriya P, Ramachandran A, Dhanya P, Remya K, Malini P (2014)”An appraisal of physic-chemical and microbiological characteristics of nanmangalam Reserve forest soil” Journal of Environmental Biology,ISSN No:0254-8704
  47. Ramachandran A, M.Senthilkumar and D.Vinothkumar (2014) “Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Leaf extracts of wattakakavolubilis(L.) stapf”. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications4,Issue 1,pp.06-10
  48. Ramachandran A and Soosairaj S 2014, Cyperusodoratus L.(Cyperaceae) A newly recorded Species in India, International Journal of Pharm Tech Research, vol.6, 2:518-520
  49. Ramachandran A, M. Senthil Kumar, K. Paneerselvam, D.vinothkumar and A.Shajahan(2013):”Identification of Inter Species Genetic variability between two morphologically similar species of withania through protein and RAPD markers”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research.4(7):2817-2820.
  50. AnushiyaJeganathan and Ramachandran A (2013) "Developing climate scenarios for Tamil Nadu, India using MAGICC/SCENGEN" Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Published online on March 15 2013. DOI 10.1007/s00704-013-0871-7.
  51. P, Ramachandran A, Prasanta Kumar Bal, Thirumurugan. P,(2013) “Recent and future weather and climate trends of Kancheepuram(TN) and its possible impacts”. Journal of Agrometeorology,Special Issue-2,vol.15
  52. Bhaskaran, Ramachandran A, R. Jones, and W. Moufouma-Okia (2012)” Regional climate model applications on sub-regional scales over the Indian monsoon region: The role of domain size on downscaling uncertainty”. Journal of geophysical research, vol. 117, DXXXXX, doi:10.1029/2012JD017956.
  53. AnushiyaJeganathan and Ramachandran A (2012) "Temperature trends of Chennai City, India" Theoretical and Applied Climatology. doi: 10.1007/s00704-012-0646-6.
  54. Saleem Khan, Ramachandran A N. Usha and P. Malini,(2012) "Adopt Adaptation to Climate changing climate - Realising the need of the hour" Ecology, Environment and Conservation18 (1), pp. 83-90.
  55. DivyaChandranand Ramachandran A (2012) "Climate Change And Emerging Infectious Diseases - A Review To Establish The Link" Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 18(2):2012; pp, 375-380.
  56. Saleem Khan, Ramachandran A, N.Usha, I. Arul Aram and V. Selvam (2012) "Rising Sea and Threatened Mangroves- A case study on stakeholders engagement in climate change communication and non-formal education" International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology1 doi:10.1080/13504509.2011.650230.
  57. Saleem Khan, Ramachandran A N. Usha and P. Malini, (2012). “Adaptation policy road map appraisal”. Environmental Policy and Law 42(6): 312-316.
  58. Saleem Khan, Ramachandran A N.Usha, S. Punitha, V.Selvam (2012) “ Predicted Impact of the sea-level rise at velar – Coleroonesturine region of Tamil Nadu Coast in India: Mainstreaming adaptation as a coastal zone management option, Ocean and Coastal Mangement  69: 327-339
  59. Radhapriya, P A. NavaneenthaGopalakrishnan, P. Malini and Ramachandran A (2012) "Assessment of Air Pollution tolerance levels of selected plants around cement industry, Coimbatore, India" Journal of Environmental Biology 33, 635-641.
  60. Sridevikarpagavalli, P. Malini and Ramachandran A (2012) "Analysis of heavy metals in dying Wetland, Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India" Journal of Environmental Biology  33 , 757-761.
  61. Ramachandran A &S.Soosairaj (2012) “Distributional new report of Cymbidium macrorhizonLindl.(Orchidaceae) A Terrestrial orchid to peninsular India”. Journal of Econ.Taxon.Bot.Vol.36 No.4
  62. Ramachandran A A.Leo Stanley and V. Alex Ramani (2011) "Phytochemical screening of the ethanolic and petether extracts of Gymnemakollimalayanum Ramachandran. Using HPLC and GCMS techniques". Journal of Pharmacy Research. Vol.4 (11) pp. 4100-4102.
  63. Ananthi, Ramachandran A and E. Natarajan (2011) “Antibacterial and Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of the Common Medicinal Plant Spilanthes calva” Ecobiol. Vol. 28 (02), pp. 195-199.
  64. Natarajan D, Ramachandran A and Yuvarajan R, 2011, “Evaluation of Antibacterial and structural elucidation of biological compounds from Gymnemakollimalayanum A. Ramachandran and M.B.Viswan: A New Record Plant”, Research Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.5, No1: 4-8.
  65. Ananthi, B.D. RanjithaKumari and Ramachandran A (2011) “In vitro propagation of RorippaindicaL. from nodal and shoot tip explants” International Journal for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research 2 (3), pp. 51-55.
  66. Ramachandran A and M.B. Viswanathan (2010) "Solanum cordatum(Solanaceae) - A new record to Southern India" Rheeda20 (1) pp. 56-58.
  67. Ramachandran A and D.Natarajan (2010) “Antibacterial Activity of Gymnemakollimalayanum Ramachandran. A new plant from Peninsular India” Advances in Biological Research4 (6), pp. 292-295.
  68. Ananthi P and Ramachandran A 2010, “Invitro propagation of Rhinacanthusnasutus- A medicinal herb, Journal of Phytological Research, vol.23, 2:259-262
  69. Devarajan Natarajan, Ramachandran, A, Kesavan Srinivasan and ChokkalingamMohanasundari (2010) "Screening for antibacterial, phytochemical and pharmacognostical properties of IndigoferacaeruleaRoxb." Journal of Medicinal Plants Research4 (15), pp. 1561-1565.
  70. Senthil Kumar, A. Aslam, D. VinothKumar, Ramachandran A and A. Shajahan, (2010) “Comparative Studies on Leaf-Epidermal Features of WithaniaSomniferaandWithaniaObtusifolia – Highly Medicinal Species of India” Advanced Biotech. Vol. 10 (02).
  71. Senthil Kumar, A. Saravana Kumar, Ramachandran A and A. Shajahan(2010) “Evaluation of WithaniaobtusifoliaTackh. (Solanaceae) leaf and root extracts as an antimicrobial agent”. Journal of Basic and Applied Biology4, pp.1-4.
  72. Senthil Kumar, D.Vinoth Kumar, Ramachandran A and A.Shajahan (2010) “anatomical Studies in WithaniaSomniferaL. (Dunal) an Important Medicinal Plant” Advanced Biotech. Vol. 10 (01).
  73. Ramachandran A and D.Natarajan (2009) “Antifungal Activity of Euphorbia fusiformis. A Red-listed Medicinal Plant” Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, Vol. 3 (2), pp. 747-750.
  74. Jayakumar, Ramachandran A Jung Bin Lee and JoonHeo (2009) “Soil resource Inventory and mapping using Geo-spatial technique” Journal of the Korean Society for Geo-Spatial Information System 17, pp. 3-12.
  75. Ramachandran A and M. Viswanathan (2009) “A New Species of Gymnema(Asclepiadaceae) from the Kollihills in Peninsular India”Adansonia, Vol. 31 (02), pp. 407-411.
  76. Raja, RanjithaKumari and Ramachandran A (2009) “Influence of VAM and Microbial inoculants on growth, nutrients and bio chemical constituents in Jatropha curcas L.” Indian Journal of Plant Physiology14 (02), pp. 181-185.
  77. Radhakrishnan, B.D. RanjithaKumari and Ramachandran A (2009) “Rooting and shooting: dual function of thidiazuron in in vitro regeneration of soybean (Glycine max.L)”Plant.Springer publication. DOI 10.1007/s11738-009-0356-6.
  78. Jayakumar, Ramachandran A and JoonHeo (2009) “Comparison of floristic diversity of evergreen forest inferred from different sampling approaches in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India” Current Science 96 (4), pp. 575-581.
  79. Jayakumar, Ramachandran A G.Bhaskaran and J.Heo (2009) “Forest Dynamics in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu” Environmental Management,43, pp. 326-345.

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