Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)
Government of Tamilnadu
About RUSA
Anna University
About RUSA
Anna University
தேசிய உயர்கல்விச் செயலாக்கத் திட்டம் / राष्ट्रिया उच्चत्तर शिक्षा अभियान / National Higher Education Mission
Governance Structure of RUSA
National Level
RUSA Mission Authority.
State level
State Council for Higher Education. Project Directorate. Technical support group.
Institution level
Board of governors. Project monitoring unit.
What is RUSA?
A Centrally Sponsored Scheme
A Strategic Intervention in Higher Education
reforms at State Levelss
greater accountability and autonomy of state universities and colleges
Performance linked Funding
Funding on the basis of Plans, achievements and outcomes
Key Result Areas
Access, Equity and Excellence
Role of States
Funding and Accountability
Planning and Monitoring
State Higher Education Councils
Planning, Execution, Evaluation, Monitoring and Capacity Building
Emphasis on Planning
Institutional Development Plans
The important guiding principles of RUSA are: