The Authors
Gordon Senanu Kwame Adika
Monique Adriaen
Renate W. Albrecht
Margaret Allan
Chris Andrews
Terry Atkinson
Eleanor Avinor , Olga Bogdanov, Faina Furman
Denise Bertoli Braga, Paulo Oliveira
Francoise Blin
Claire Bradin
Ian Brown , Kathy Cox
Nigel Bruce , Patrick Desloge
Monique Monville-Burston , Jack Burston
Karen Cain
Licia Calvi , Walter Geerts
Benedicte Cebrian, Pierrette Grellett
Graham Chesters
Anna Coetzee , Sarah Slabbert
Jozef Colpaert , Wilfried Decoo
Chris Corbel
Greg A. Dabelstein
Teresa De Fazio
Gideon De Kock
Robert Debski
Philippe Delcloque
Lise Desmarais
Marina Dodigovic
Tessa Dowling , Ken Masters
Tony Erben
Elizabeth Evans Thompson
Uschi Felix ,
Anita Ferreira , Patricia Germany
Judith M. Gallian , Gerald Greenfield
Roger Ganderton
Nina Garrett
Ana Maria Gimeno Sanz
Robin Goodfellow , Marie-Noelle Lamy, Patricia Manning
Christopher Greaves , Martin Warren
Paul Gruba
Peiya Gu
Christopher Hall
Richard Harrison (1), Graeme Smith
Richard Harrison (2),
Yukiko A Hatasa , Kazumi Hatasa
Kazumi Hatasa
William Haworth
Dominique Hemard
David D. Herren
Kathryn Hill , Paul Gruba
Lloyd Holliday
Chen Hong
Debra Hoven
Pansy Amirthamalar Kandiah
Guy Kellogg , Rick Broadaway
Claire Kennedy , Tiziana Miceli
Ken Keobke
Shinji Kimura , Brad Visgatis and Takeshi Maekawa
John J Kinder
Lis Kornum
Michelle Kuilboer
Mike D. Ledgerwood
Mike Levy
Renzhi Li
Peter Liddell
Hsien-Chin Liou
Linda Mak , Roland Sussex
Brian McCarthy
Vera Lucia Menezes de Oliveira e Paiva
Tiziana Miceli , Claire Kennedy
Douglas G. Mills
John Milton
Gilead Morahg
Gary Motteram
Colette Mrowa-Hopkins
John Mugane
James R. Nord
Kazunori Nozawa
Gearoid O Neill , Annette McElligott
Gudrun Oberprieler
Jane Orton
Kathie Panfil , Jeremy Jones
Peter C. Patrikis
Valerie Pickard
Devadass Pillay
Karen Price
Flo Reeder , Henry Hamburger, Michael Schoelles
Thomas Robb (1)
Thomas Robb (2)
Carmit Romano-Hvid
Felicitas Ruhlmann
Stephan Schneider
Mathias Schulze, Marie-Josee Hamel
Tsila Shalom
Lesley Shield, Markus J. Weininger
Kim Smith ; (Author: Jerry W Larson
Jeong-Bae Son
Junko Takefuta , Yukio Takefuta
Maija Tammelin
Sophia Huey Shan Tan
Jane D. Tchaicha
Michio Tsutsui
Vincenza Tudini
Jane Turner
Peter White
Uwe Wilhelm
Min jie Xing , Jing hui Wang
Zeng Yongqiang
Lizhong Zhang

The papers
1 Language awareness and the support role of technology
2 Researching language learning and technology
3 Investigating the relationship between CALL and the development of learner autonomy: Issues, research tools and preliminary results
4 Utilisation of input in CALL: A research study
5 Students' perceptions in CALL - myths and reality: A case study
7 More creativity through in-depth structuring of multi-carrier language learning contents
8 Exploring learning strategies within a multimedia environment
10 The Virtual Immersion Classroom and Audiographic Technology: a different linguistic bath?
11 Towards a theory of CALL
12 Self-Access Computer-Mediated Language Learning for Indonesian Learners of English: an experimental study
13 Good Theory-Based Practice in Hypermedia CALL: design guidelines as a practical source of theoretical knowledge
14 CALL Within "Languages Across the Curriculum" as a Motivator for Learning Languages
15 A Multimedia Design Framework for the Learning of Culture and Language Discourse
16 CALL in a Cold Climate: Sweden and Canada compared
17 Toward a model for CMC-assisted EFL learning
19 Changing the research paradigm: The use of qualitative research methodology in CALL classrooms
20 The teacher's voice
21 The empire strikes back: A report from the battle front
22 Conceptual design in theory and practice: UsersÕ strategies and preferences
23 Computer-assisted teaching of Hebrew as L1
24 Technology in second language learning: How does it work best?
27 Reflections on the Student List Project
1 CALL: Prospects for improved langauge learning in Ghana
2 Creating supportive environments for foreign language teachers developing computer-mediated materials
4 Using the Varietes de francais CD-ROM: The student's perspective
5 Teaching Koorie languages with technology
6 Learner's autonomy via a constructivist CALL system
7 Learning Specialised Vocabulary by Using a Multimedia Package of Bilingual Glossary of Governmental and Political Affairs in Hong Kong
8 A diversified target market in a developing country: a challenge for CALL
9 A CELLT centre: Motivation through innovation?
10 The electronic tutorial
11 'Siyanihlonela' We respect you! A multimedia CALL title for the learning of the Xhosa language
12 Why DISSEMINATE? A Hypercollaborative Authoring Solution or the new CAL Esperanto?
13 Interdisciplinary aspects of multimedia CALL
14 The development of a Xhosa Intensive multimedia program at the University of Cape Town, South Africa
15 Curriculum, coursebook and multimedia software: Can they be integrated?
16 Venus : Motivating the learning process of Spanish as a foreign language through multimedia.
17 The acquisition of Spanish through multimedia CALL materials
18 Creating a "Virtual" Language Centre on the WWW
19 Video Watcher - promoting creativity and collaboration in listening comprehension for Japanese in a networked computing environment
21 Combining hi-tech and low-tech for better integration of computerised exercises - a case of vocabulary exercise in beginning Japanese
22 Cross platform, network-aware, development and delivery of CALL
24 A corpus-based tool for learner writers
27 Interactive web-based language learning: The state of the art
28 An Irish Language Teachers' World Wide Web Assistant
29 The potential role of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in the shift from product-oriented to process-driven learning in the education system in South Africa
30 Academic empowerment: The role of CALL in a black South African university
32 'Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore': A presentation of a video-browsing system
33 CALL for Help: a way of empowering the learner
35 CASTEL: Constructivism at work
36 A new approach to CALL software development: Software expansion involving users
37 Language teaching lost in the World Wide Labyrinth: some guidelines for integration of WWW resources in languages curricula
39 A dream come true? Teaching foreign language in a completely wired and 100% computer accessible learning environment.
40 Interactive Web Design for Chinese Language Acquisition:Methods and Techniques
1 Merlin: Course delivery, tutor support using the two global networks
2 A Critical Review of Web-Assisted Language Learning (WALL) for Less Commonly Taught Languages
3 Goal-oriented foreign language learning: Research of attitudes and implementation guidelines
4 Benchmarks for Computer Literacy: An intersection of information science and liberal arts
5 The design of an online environment for vocabulary acquisition
6 Internet/intranet for English education in China
7 Interactive multimedia over the World Wide Web for language teaching and learning
8 An Intranet-based computer Lab for Language Learning
9 Modelling learner-centred CALL
10 A course on adult distance learning: A multimedia model
11 Scrolling, copying, pasting: The discourse of CMC
12 Foreign Language Learning in a Virtual World
14 Learning of ESL on electronic networks: Verifying the claims and the evidence
15 Harnessing cyberFrench for specific purposes
16 CALL and online journals
17 World Wide Web projects through collaborative learning
18 From chalk to CD-ROM and intranet, a collaborative journey.An Orientation to Campus, Community and Country
19 Collaboration in a virtual world - group work and the distance language learner
20 Introducing a multidimensional classroom into university teaching and learning: New media Ð new options
21 Building a MOO Environment : A Walk Out on the ICE
22 Collaborative teaching and learning of Japanese using the Internet
23 Interactivity in the WWW environment
1 Integrating computers into teaching practices: the value of a broad-based approach
2 A docucentric approach to CMLL
3 Development of a WWW-based interactive tutorial to improve technology literacy of foreign language instructors
4 Management, facilitation and collaboration in Computer mediated communication for LanguageTeacher Training Contexts
5 Constructivist Multimedia and Sequential Language Acquisition: A Challenge for the Future
6 TINO: A European project for teacher training in and via ICT
7 CALL: Inventing a happy marriage between existing constraints
8 Getting Started: Introducing CALL to TESOL Students
9 Teacher training in CALL: A critical path to the future
1 Using and integrating CALL and multiple media for specific purposes in the teaching and learning process
2 Digital video media as a mode of presentation in listening comprehension tasks
3 The effectiveness of CALL in grammar teaching: An evaluation using error analysis
4 Technologically speaking - delivery alternatives for the assessment of speaking
5 Student talk and multimedia
6 Concordancing student journal entries: An aid to course evaluation
7 Using the computer for oral skills assessment
8 In tune with technology and testing
1 Design considerations for a new French prosody program
2 Experimental writing on the Web: Espace des folles/Cybership of fools
3 Using Children's Literature for Remedial Reading Comprehension: Promoting Cognitive Autonomy
4 Acquiring reading through self-tutoring process: the role of learner's autonomy.
5 Observing L2 reading on the World Wide Web: New processes and strategies for a new medium?
6 The effectiveness of interactive production tools in addressing learner error: if you build it will they come?
7 When a teaching computer is better than a human teacher
8 CALL and the comprehension approach
9 Towards the paperless classroom
10 Learning English pronunciation with computer technology: An investigation of the relationship between learning strategies and achievement
11 The use of hypertext in foreign language reading and its implications
13 Three Types of CAI Courseware Developed for Teaching Vocabulary to Japanese College Students of English
14 A computer supported English (EFL) writing system
1 A computerised English readability formula for Japanese learners of English
2 Digital Arenas for the development of thought
3 The Road to I2CALL: Interactive and Intelligent CALL
4 Practising Language
5 Use and re-use of syntactic parsers in CALL: Towards diagnosing learner input
6 Intelligent Generator of a Tutoring System

For more information please contact:
The Conference Secretariat, Fauth Royale & Associates Pty Ltd,
PO Box 895, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia
Tel: 61 2 9954 4544 Fax: 61 2 9954 4964 E-mail: