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Modern laboratory facilities are an integral part of coastal and marine science research. IOM is well equipped, with a variety of modern research facilities. The group has excellent laboratory facilities in coastal/ marine and environmental science research-dedicated laboratories. These include an analytical laboratory for wet chemistry studies, trace gas measurements, sediment preparation and analytical laboratory.
The Gas Chromatograph laboratory has four high precision Gas Chromatographs, used for the determination of trace levels of
greenhouse gases (CH4, CO2, and N2O) and other organic pollutants in estuarine, coastal and marine systems. In addition the alpha, beta and Gamma spectrometry facility has an ultra-low background system, used for 210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs dating of soils, sediments and other environmental samples (flora and fauna). It is also used to measure gamma-emitting radionuclides in coastal environmental samples.
Further analytical facilities include flame and graphite AAS, UV and visible spectrophotometry equipment for the determination of inorganic and organic contaminants in natural systems.
We have facilities for high precision field surveying (including GPS, spectro-radiometer), field sampling (including augers, and coring equipments) and field monitoring (in situ water quality probes). IOM also possesses a boat and acoustic profiling devices. These instruments and others are described in descriptions of individual laboratories below. The department is also equipped with general user computer labs for remote sensing, GIS and modeling.
IOM has an extensive map library and aerial photographic collection that is continually updated. |