Coastal nations around the world constantly exchange their know-how and technology to implement Integrated Coastal Zone Management Programmes. This includes the development of strategies addressing short-term problems as well as long-term challenges, like adaptation to climate change. IOM specializes in offering training and academic programmes in collaboration with national and international organisations in ICM. Some of the key aspects of ICM that IOM imparts include: |
- development of integrated water- and coastal zone management programmes
- research, planning, implementation and evaluation of measures against pollution, erosion and degradation of coastal areas
- maintenance and restoration of biodiversity
- identification of responses to the effects of climate change
- development of ICZM concepts and tools for training and decision making
IOM works closely with stakeholders (public, state agencies, industry etc) living and working in the coastal zone with the aim of promoting the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. IOM also liaise with potential end users of applications and tools developed to improve the understanding and management of coastal processes. The applied nature of ICM aims to incorporate understanding of the physical, biological, human and legislative parameters shaping the dynamic nature of our coastal zone.