Providing technical information on the wise use of coastal resources to the coastal community and the end users is the foundation of IOM’s extension activities. The Institute offers training programmes, short courses, seminars and symposia on a regular basis throughout the year. IOM works with other national and international agencies to impart information, services, and technology to coastal resource managers. This community includes state coastal zone management and natural resource management offices, Officers from the Indian Coast Guard, Ports and Harbors, Universities, NGOs etc. Each of these |
organizations has the task of helping coastal communities balance the often competing demands for coastal resources. Training to acquire new skills is one of the many ways IOM helps these state and local partners reach their goals.
Many IOM training courses are specifically designed for coastal resource managers. Each class uses coastal management-related case studies and data. Some of the short-term courses that is offered by IOM include:
- Integrated coastal management
- Marine resource management
- ICM policy and governance
- Coastal regulation zone
- Environmental management in Ports and Harbors
- Water quality monitoring and assessment
- Remote Sensing and GIS applications in coastal systems
The Institute for Ocean Management with its multi disciplinary team of scientists guides the Government in policy formulation, coordinate the activities of the different interested groups, carries out coastal and oceanic research and undertakes manpower training in Coastal Zone Management. |