PART B Research Programme
PART A Completed Projects
This project highlights the enormous benefits that accrue from the collective wisdom involving external experts in the planning of the activities.
Support through computerized identification of victims and reuniting separated family members
Desertification is the degradation of land in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas caused primarily by human activities and climatic variations.
Adathurai is located about 5Km to the SW of Kothagiri (11º 25'00" 76º 51'00") in the Eastern parts of the Nilgiris,
The Asian Regional Research Programme on Environmental Technology (ARRPET) funded by Swedish International Development cooperation Agency (SIDA)
PART A Projects in Progress
Development of Biosensor based instrumentation for pathogen detection in environmental samples, surveillance and vector-control
Fabrication of thin-film reactor for photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disruptors in aqueous medium: Semiconductors and Modified Semiconductors
a) Assessment of transition metals in coastal sediments
b) Long-term environmental impact of shoreline changes due to tsunami along Tamil Nadu Coast
c) Geo-environmental studies in Nilgiris
a) Storage of carbon and nitrogen in the subsurface sediments of Cauvery delta and its relevance to climate change
b) Greenhouse gases in mangrove ecosystem: Process of biogeochemical cycling
c) Tidal impact and water quality assessment in Tsunami affected Andaman Islands
d) ICZM plan preparation for Andaman Islands
Environmental assessment and recommendations for protection of agriculture from dyeing industry waste in Noyyal basin
a) Monitoring and database management of the waterways of Chennai city
b) Impacts of Coastal Pollution on Biodiversity at Ennore, India
c) An Environmental and Ecological Assessment of Coastal Waters of Kalpakkam
Background and Salient Features

Objectives of the programme | |
The UGC expert committee, which visited the University during September 2003, allocated the fund under various heads and provided the specific guidelines to utilize the grant. The following participating institutions showcased their infrastructure, cpabailities, future plans under the programme and requirements in terms of equipment, human resource, infrastructure support, consumables, training etc.
Centre for Environmental Studies |
Centre for Water Resources |
Centre for Biotechnology |
Department of Chemistry |
Department of Geology |
Institute of Ocean Management |
Institue of Remote Sensing |
Anna University - K. B. Chandrasekhar ‘s Research Centre |
Human Resource Development, Intellectual Property & Extension Activities
It is also proposed to offer elective courses in the various interdisciplinary subjects pertaining to environmental science and technology. For example, biotechnology courses can be combined with remote sensing and coastal management courses or material sciences involved in biological stones can be taught to Geo students.
The M.E. Environmental Engineering and M.E. Geo Informatics, started under this programme, are both attractive courses and each admitted 21 students last year. The GIS laboratory established by the Centre for Water Resources is serving higher education well, as evident from the number of M.S. and Ph.D. students who use this facility. We would like to improve the existing classroom teaching and practical training by modernizing the classrooms and upgrade the practical infrastructure at the cost of 50 lakhs.
The Director and the Deputy Coordinator will be responsible for the coordination of the whole program. The coordinators of the research teams will be responsible for the timely outcome and its exploitation for societal benefits. To facilitate better interaction among the coordinators, large number of investigators, their students and scholars, to manage the administrative & academic responsibilities most efficiently and to provide a comfortable working ambience for the experts, we propose the following:
* 750 sq. ft. office space to house the offices of Director, Dy. Coordinator, Finance section, work place of project and clerical assistants, Photocopying facility, a small meeting room and wash room.
* A mini conference hall measuring 500 sq. ft. for periodic meetings among the groups and with experts from outside. This will be equipped with multi media projection and video conferencing facilities.
* A training facility consisting of two practical class rooms measuring 600 sq. ft. each and 5 studio apartments measuring 200 sq. ft. each.
In all, we would like to build 3450 sq. ft. of well furnished building and interiors costing 75 Lakhs